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Volume 65(5); Nov 2003
Original Articles
원저 : 전신성 홍반성 루푸스와 임신의 상호 영향에 대한 연구 (Original Articles : Fetal outcome and clinical feature during pregnancy in systemic lupus erythematosus)
Sin Jeong Hyeon, Lee Eun Yeong, Lee Chang Geun, Jo Yu Sug, Kim Am, Yu Bin, Mun Hui Beom
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):511-520.
원저 : 췌담관 질환 환자에서 담즙내 carcinoembryonic antigen의 진단적 역할 (Original Articles : Diagnostic role of biliary carcinoembryonic antigen in patients with pancreatobiliary diseases)
Chu Yeon Ig, Ju Gwang Lo, Park Jong Ho, Bang Seong Jo, Kim Do Ha, Sin Jeong U, Park Neung Hwa, Park Jae Hu, Lee Ji Ho
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):520-527.
원저 : 관상동맥 중재술을 시술받은 ST절 비상승 심근경색증 환자에서 Tirofiban과 저분자량 헤파린의 병합 효과 (Original Articles : The clinical effect of tirofiban with low molecular weight heparin in patients with acut
Im Sang Yeob, Bae Eun Hui, Jeong Myeong Ho, Lee Sang Hyeon, Kim Han Gyun, Im Ji Hyeon, Park Hyeong Ug, Hong Yeong Jun, Park Og Yeong, Kim Ju Han, Kim Won,
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):527-535.
원저 : 갑상선 세포에서의 요오드에 의한 Sodium-Iodide Symporter 조절 기전 (Original Articles : Regulatory mechanism of the sodium-iodide symporter by iodide in thyroid cells)
Park Yeong Ju, Kim Tae Yong, Lee Hui Su, Kim Gyeong Won, Kim Won Bae, Park Do Jun, Sin Chan Su, Park Gyeong Su, Kim Seong Yeon, Lee Hong Gyu, Jo Bo Yeon
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):549-558.
원저 : 당뇨병이 폐결핵 치료 결과에 미치는 영향 (Original Articles : The effect of diabetes mellitus on treatment outcomes in pulmonary tuberculosis)
Choe Seong Il, Lee Seung Cheol, Gong Seog Jun, Park Ju Hong, Son Mal Hyeon
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):558-568.
원저 : 생체 신이식에서 daclizumab의 임상적 치료효과 (Original Articles : Clinical trial of daclizumab in living renal transplantation)
Choe Yun Seog, Park Chang Su, Park Mi Jeong, Kim Ji Hwan, Jeon Ji Min, Kim Seong Min, Park Yong Gi, Lee Jong Myeong, Sin Yong Hun, Kim Jung Gyeong
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):568-577.
증례 : 광범위하게 전체 췌장에 전이된 파터 유두부 종양 (Case Reports : Carcinoma of ampulla of vater with extensive invasion to the whole pancreas)
Baeg Seung Hun, Jang Dae Yeong, Kim Gyu Won, Lee Yeong Cheol, Lee Jae Yeong, Jang Gi Taeg, Park Hye Lim
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):600-604.
증례 : 원발성 염증성근염을 동반한 전신성 홍반성 루푸스 2예 (Case Reports : The effect of diabetes mellitus on treatment outcomes in pulmonary tuberculosis)
Park Yeong A, Song Seung Ho, Kim Dong U, Kim Jeong Hyeog, Jang Hyeon Gyu, Lee Ji Yeong, Myeong Na Hye
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):604-610.
증례 : Desmoplastic small round cell tumor 1예 (Case Reports : A case of desmoplastic small round cell tumor)
Jeong Seog Hwan, Lee Sang Yeob, Geum Dong Seong, Kim Seong Hyeon, Kwon Hyeog Chan, Kim Jae Seog, Kim Hyo Jin
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):610-615.
증례 : 중국산 다이어트 식품에 의한 독성간염 1예 (Case Reports : A case of toxic hepatitis caused by the chinese diet food)
Lee Dong Su, Baeg Jong Tae, Kim Jun Seog, Jeong Seon Jong, Lee Hye Gyeong, An Byeong Min, Yang Gi Hwa
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):689-693.
증례 : 심낭 압전을 초래한 만성 재발성 췌장염 1예 (Case Reports : Cardiac tamponade complicated by chronic recurrent pancreatitis)
Lee Jae Seung, Kim Yu Seon, Jang Won Cheol, Lee Jeong Hwan, Mun Jeong Seob, Yeom Ho Gi, Choe Seog Gu
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):693-698.
증례 : 고령 여성에서 발생한 섬유층판 간세포암 1예 (Case Reports : A case of fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma in an old-age woman)
Lee Tae Hun, Jo Won Yeong, Jeong Il Gwon, Kim Hong Su, Park Sang Heum, Kim Seon Ju, Kim Chang Jin
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):698-703.
증례 : 간농양에서 발생한 간기관지 누공 1예 (Case Reports : A case of hepatobronchial fistula in liver abscess)
Ji Myeong Gwan, Choe Yun Jong, Baeg Sun Gu, Yun Sang Jin, Kim Hyeon Su, Lee Dong Gi, Kim Yeong Ju
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):703-707.
증례 : 상부위장관내시경검사 중 관상동맥 혈관경축으로 심정지를 일으킨 후 회복되었던 1예 (Case Reports : Coronary vasospasm during esophagogastroduodenoscopy)
Jo Dae Hyeon, Park Jeong Ho, Kwon Jeong Hun, Kim Hyeon Seo, Kim Jae Hui, O Ju Hyeon, Sim Sang Gun
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):707-712.
증례 : 흉막염과 간염이 합병된 장티푸스 1예 (Case Reports : A case of typhoid fever complicated with pleurisy and hepatitis)
Han Byeong Ho, Jo Dong Hwi, Jeon Tae Hui, Ju Gi Jung, Lee Jung Geon, Lee Jong Su, Song Gab Yeong
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):717-721.
증례 : 성인에서 심실빈맥으로 첫 임상 발현된 스폰지 심근 1예 (Case Reports : A case of spongy myocardium initially manifested by ventricular tachycardia in adult)
Lee Seung U, Go Myeong Beom, Heo Won Haeng, Kim Ju Sang, Yun Ho Jung, Jeong Ug Seong, Hong Sun Jo
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):733-738.
증례 : 선천성 좌심실 중격류와 동반된 관동맥루 1예 (Case Reports : Congenital left ventricular septal aneurysm associated with coronary fistula)
Kim Mi Gyeong, Kim Myeong Seog, Kim Hyeon Seong, Jeong Seung Eun, Yun Ho Jung, Jeong Ug Seong, Hong Sun Jo
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):738-743.
증례 : 연하실신을 가진 환자의 영구적 인공심박동기 치료 1예 (Case Reports : Permanent cardiac pacemaker therapy in a patient with swallow syncope)
Go Ji Yeong, Lee Geun, Cheon Sang Lyeol, Lee Dong Hyeon, Lee Ga Yeong, Ma Ju Lag, Kim Seong Hwan
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):743-747.
증례 : 패혈성 살모넬라증에서 발생한 감염성 복부 대동맥류 파열 1예 (Case Reports : A case of ruptured infected aneurysm of abdominal aorta caused by septic salmonellosis)
Chae Seon Ae, Yu Gwang Lyeol, Kim Gu Yeong, Im Byeong Ug, Heo Byeong Won, Kim Hae Gyeong, Kim Ho Jeong
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):747-752.
증례 : 이물질과 연관되어 발생한 원발성 기관지내 방선균증 1예 (Case Reports : A case of primary endobronchial actinomycosis associated with a foreign body)
Kim Su Ho, Jeon Man Jo, Kim Geun Sug, Jeong Gi Seog, Lee Myeong Gu, Choe Gyeong Chan, Lee Seung Jun
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):752-757.
증례 : 속립성 결핵과 동반된 침생검으로 진단된 갑상선 결핵 1예 (Case Reports : A case of thyroid tuberculosis diagnosis by FNAB associated with miliary tuberculosis)
Kim Mi Jin, Yu Gwang Ha, Kang Dong Gu, Lee Jun Sang, Jo Seung Je, Sin Yeong Gu, Jeong Chun Hui
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):757-762.
증례 : 뇌수막종과 동반된 부갑상선암 1예 (Case Reports : A case of parathyroid carcinoma with meningioma)
Ju Heon Su, Go Jang Hyeon, Hong Tae Won, Sim Myeong Sug, Kim Mi Jin, Lee Gwang Gil, Jeong Chun Hui
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):767-773.
증례 : 갑상선 기능 항진증으로 인해 발생한 폐 고혈압 1예 (Case Reports : A case of hyperthyroidism as a cause of pulmonary hypertension)
Yun Hui Jeong, Jin Seung Won, Jeong Seon Jong, Jang Seong Hui, Lee Jong Min, Kim Jae Hyeong, Choe Gyu Bo
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):773-777.
증례 : SAPHO 증후군 2예 (Case Reports : Two cases of SAPHO syndrome)
Park Ji Hyeon, Seo Ho Seog, Seo Gwang Won, Jeong In Du, Jeong Hyeon Cheol, Lee Jong Su, Choe Seung Won
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):782-788.
증례 : 중증 안와봉와직염의 형태로 진단된 당뇨병 1예 (Case Reports : A case of diabetes mellitus diagnosed by severe orbital cellulitis)
Lee Hye Jeong, Kim Mi Jeong, Son Tae Seo, Lee Jeong Min, Son Hyeon Sig, Son Ho Yeong, Kang Seong Gu
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):805-810.
증례 : 임신 후 척추 골다공증 1예 (Case Reports : A case of postpregnancy spinal osteoporosis)
Lee Gwan Hyeon, Kim Yeo Ju, Kim Sang Jin
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):810-815.
증례 : 웅담 복용 후 발생한 횡문근 융해증 (Case Reports : A case of bear`s gall induced rhabdomyolysis)
Ji Seog Bae, Hwang Ui Won, Kim Jin Gug, Hwang Seung Deog
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):815-820.
증례 : Leprosy 환자에서 간헐적인 Rifampin 투여에 의해 유발된 급성 신부전 1예 (Case Reports : Acute renal failure by intermittent rifampin administration in leprosy patient)
Kwon Hyeon Hui, An Dong Jig, Kim Sang Gyeong, Jo Chang Ho, Lee In Hui, An Gi Seong, Lee Sang Chae
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):820-826.
증례 : 담관 낭선종으로 오인된 부신 림프관종 1예 (Case Reports : A case of adrenal lymphangioma misdiagnosed as biliary cystadenoma)
Lyu Seong Tae, Lee Jin U, Jeong Seog, Lee Don Haeng, Kim Beom Su, Kim Hyeong Gil, Kim Yeong Su
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):832-836.
증례 : 신장, 위장 및 다발성의 대장 전이를 보인 유방암종 (Case Reports : Renal, gastric, and multiple intestinal metastases of invasive ductal carcinoma of breast)
Kim Dae Yeong, Lee Geun Ug, Yun Tag, Kim Tae Yu, Heo Dae Seog, Bang Yeong Ju, Kim No Gyeong
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):836-841.
증례 : Ticlopidine 복용 후에 발생한 범혈구감소증 2예 (Case Reports : Two cases of pancytopenia induced by ticlopidine)
Park Chi Yeong, Kang Ji Eun, Im Hyeon Seong, Jeong Chun Hae
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):841-844.
증례 : 당뇨병성 케톤산증을 동반한 갈색세포종 1예
Jung Hwa Ryu, Chang Yoon Ha, Jee Young Oh, Young Sun Hong, Yeon-Ah Sung
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):844-849.
증례 : 호산구성 주위근염 1예 (Case Reports : A case of eosinophilic perimyositis)
Yun Hyeon Jeong, Kim Seong Hun, Kim Jong Hwa, Lyu Wan Hui
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):854-859.
증례 : 조기위암이 동반된 악성빈혈 1예 (Case Reports : A case of pernicious anemia with early gastric cancer)
Lee Yong Gug, Lee Yong Yeob, Son Jun Gwang, Seon Hong Ju, Han Sang U, Lee Ji Sin, Park Mu Lim
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):859-863.
증례 : 스테로이드 치료로 호전을 보인 bleomycin 유도 폐섬유화 1예 (Case Reports : A case of severe bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis: reversal with high dose prednisolone)
Park Min A, Im Tae Hyeong, Kim Seong Hyeon, Kwon Hyeog Chan, Kim Jae Seog, Kim Hyo Jin, No Mi Sug
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):867-872.
증례 : 충수에서 발생한 전이성 비전형적 유암종의 항암화학요법 1예 (Case Reports : A case of metastatic atypical carcinoid tumor of appendix: treatment with combination chemotherapy)
Mun Sang Ho, Lee Su Jeong, Song Heon Ho, Park Yeong I, Kim Bong Su, Choe Yeong Hui, Park Yeong Ui
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):872-877.
증례 : 간 침범만을 동반한 특발성 과호산구 증후군 1예 (Case Reports : A case of idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome presenting as only hepatic involvement)
Hyeon Dong U, Park Su Yeong, Jo Chang Min, Tag Won Yeong, Kwon Yeong O, Kim Seong Gug, Choe Yong Hwan
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):877-882.
증례 : 경구 세파클로에 의한 아나필락시스 1예 (Case Reports : A case of anaphylactic reaction to oral cefaclor)
Kim Sang Hun, Choe Jeong Hui, An Yeong Su, Park Hae Sim
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):882-885.
증례 : Sheehan`s 증후군 환자에서 발생한 만성 저나트륨혈증 1예 (Case Reports : Chronic hyponatremia of Sheehan`s syndrome)
Kim Beom Yun, Lyu Bong Gwan, Im Tae Yeong, Choe Dong Hyeon, Kim Hyeon Li, Jeong Jong Hun, Jo Yeong Sin
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):885-890.
증례 : Klebsiella ornithinolytica 균혈증 1예 (Case Reports : A case of klebsiella ornithinolytica bacteremia)
O Dong Lyeol, Kim Nam Jung, Song Jin U, Choe Jeong Jun, Son Yong Hag, Lee Mi Sug, U Jun Hui
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):890-894.
증례 : 시상하부 종양 제거 후 발생한 불명열 1예 (Case Reports : A case of fever of unknown origin after removal of hypothalamic tumor)
Park Jeong Ho, Yu Ho Seong, Go Jeom Seog, Bae U Gyun, Jeong Sin, Kim Se Jong, Sin Dong Hyeon
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):894-898.
증례 : 급성췌장염이 동반된 한국형 출혈열 1예 (Case Reports : A case of Korean hemorrhagic fever with acute pancreatitis)
Kim E Seu Deo, Park Ji Han, O So Yeon, Choe Il, Lee Ji Hyeon, Hong Seong Gwan
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):898-902.
증례 : 뇌 및 비장 농양을 동반한 아급성 심내막염 1예 (Case Reports : A case of subacute infective endocarditis combined with multiple brain and splenic abscesses)
Lee Sang Heon, Lee Sang Min, Kim Jae Hwan, Lee Won Dong, Kim Dae Gyeong, Kim Du Il, Kim Dong Su
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):902-907.
증례 : Dieulafoy 궤양과 유사한 복부 방선균증 1예 (Case Reports : A case of abdominal actinomycosis simulating Dieulafoy`s ulcer)
Ju Im Gwan, Yang Seung Ho, Choe Jun Yeong, Gu Cheol, Ji Hwang Lyong, Choe Min Seog
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):907-912.
증례 : 간흡충증과 관련된 호산구성 간염 및 담낭염 1예 (Case Reports : A case of eosinophilic cholecystitis with hepatitis associated with clonorchiasis)
Kim Eun Sil, Lyu Seong Tae, Lee Mun Hui, Wi Hyeong Su, Kim In Ho, An Seung Ig, Kim Cheol Su
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):912-917.
증례 : 필리핀에서 유입된 Dengue hemorrhagic fever 1예 (Case Reports : A case of dengue hemorrhagic fever imported from Philippines)
Bae Seong Jin, Jeong Jin Won, Kim Jin Yeong, Kim Nam Jung, Kim Yang Su, Lyu Ji So, U Jun Hui
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):917-921.
증례 : 심한 영양결핍을 동반한 분선충증 1예 (Case Reports : A case of strongyloidiasis with severe malnutrition)
Kim Yong Ug, Kang Eun Jin, Lee Sa La, Kim Tag Yong, Bae Su Chan, Park Jeong Ho, Park Hui Ug
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):921-926.
증례 : 아스피린 과민성을 동반하지 않은 아세트아미노펜 아나필락시스 1예 (Case Reports : A case of acetaminophen induced anaphylaxis without aspirin sensitivity)
Kim Yun Jeong, Yu Geum Hye, Yu Min A, O Hui Jeong, Park Chang Han, Maeng Seon Hui, Jo Yeong Ju
Korean J Med. 2003;65(5):926-931.

Korean Journal
of Medicine

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