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Volume 55(2); 1998
Original Articles
원저 : 쿠싱 중후군 환자에서 미세단백뇨의 빈도 및 수술의 효과 (Microalbuminuria in Cushings syndrome : remission after correction of hypercortisolemia)
Jung Min Koh, Yun Ey Chung, Joong Yeol Park, Yung Kee Shong, Sung Kwan Hong, Ki Up Lee, Ghi Su Kim
Korean J Med. 1998;55(2):143-149.
원저 : 한국인에서의 크론병 (Current status of Crohn`s disease in Korea)
In Sung Song, Dong Kyung Chang, Chung Yong Kim
Korean J Med. 1998;55(2):158-169.
원저 : 위암 및 Helicobacter pylori 감염의 위험인자로서 염분 섭취의 역할 (Salt Consumption as a risk factor of Gastric Cancer and Helicobacter pylori Infection)
Tae Young Kyong, Hak Yang Kim, Gyeoung Soo Chae, Hee Seung Yoo, Soo Jong Park, Jong Hyeok Kim, Woong Ki Chang, Yong Bum Kim, Choong Kee Park, Eun Sook Nam, Jae Young Yoo
Korean J Med. 1998;55(2):169-176.
원저 : 중심정맥 도관 삽입술의 성공률과 합병증 발생 빈도에 대한 전향적 연구 (Prospective Study on Success and Complication Rate of Central Venous Catheterization in a University - affiliated Hospital)
Chang Hwang Bae, Woo Kun Kim, Wan Park, Jin Hee Park, Jeong Kyun Kim, Sung Jun Choi, Je Hwan Lee, Sung Bae Kim, Sang We Kim, Cheol Won Suh, Kyoo Hyung Lee, Jung Shin Lee, Youn Suck Koh, Kyu Bo Sung,
Korean J Med. 1998;55(2):195-202.
원저 : 발작성 심실상성빈맥의 12 유도 심전도를 이용한 감별진단과 ST - T 파 분석의 의의 (Differential Diagnosis Using 12 - lead Electrocardiogram and Significance of ST - T in Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia)
Seung Uk Lee, Jeong Gwan Cho, Jayyoung Rhew, Kye Hoon Kim, won Kim, Seong Hee Kim, Jun Woo Kim, Jang Hyun Cho, Young Keun Ahn, Won Young Kim, Sang Ki Cho, Myung Ho Jueong, Jong Chun Park, Jung Chaee
Korean J Med. 1998;55(2):202-209.
원저 : 전남 화순지역에서 40 세이상 주민 2,021 명에 대한 성인병 검진결과 (The Screening of Middle - and Geriatric Diseases for 2,021 Residents over 39 Years of Age in Hwasun County , Korea)
Jong Wook Park, Byeong Chae Kim, Do Hyun Rheu, Mee Young Kim, Ki Chul Choi, Soo Wan Kim, Nam Ho Kim, Young Joon Kang, Won Young Kim
Korean J Med. 1998;55(2):209-221.
원저 : 만성신부전 환자의 자율신경 기능장애 (Autonomic Dysfunction in Chronic Renal Failure)
Sang Ho Lee, Soochulchoi, Seoung Pyo Hong, Tae Won Lee, Chun Gyu Lim, Myung Jae Kim
Korean J Med. 1998;55(2):221-232.
증례 : 쿠싱병의 치료 중 발병한 류마티스관절염 1 예 (Development of Rheumatoid Arthritis during Treatment of Cushing`s Disease)
Han Joo Baek, Ki Chul Shin, Yeong Wook Song, Eun Bong Lee, Seong Wook Kang, Yun Jong Lee
Korean J Med. 1998;55(2):245-250.
증례 : Rifampin 아나필락시 1 예 (A Case of Anaphylaxis Induced by Rifampin)
Ja Young Lee, Myoung Kuk Jang, Dong Kyu Kim, Eun Kyung Mo, Jeong Eun Choi, Myung Jae Park, Myung Goo Lee, In Gyu Hyun, Ki Suck Jung
Korean J Med. 1998;55(2):250-254.
증례 : 십이지장 선암을 동반한 Peutz - Jeghers 증후군 1 예 (A Case of Duodenal Adenocarcinoma in the Peute - Jeghers Syndrome)
Dong Wook Lee, Sung Mook Han, Jae Jin Jung, Eun Young Kim, Won Seok Lee, Dong Hyun Kwak, Jung Hee Kim
Korean J Med. 1998;55(2):254-259.
증례 : 가성 장폐색 증상을 동반한 만성 염증성 탈수초성 다발성 신경병증 ( CIDP ) (A Case of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy with Intestinal Pseudoobstruction)
Kyung Sug Oh, Byung Sun Chung, Jae Sik Kwang, Seung Bai Lee, Tae Young Ko, Jae Yong Lee, Byung Doo Lee, Jae Hyeon Park
Korean J Med. 1998;55(2):259-265.
증례 : 폐결핵이 동반된 투석환자에서 결핵성 복막염으로 오인된 경화성 복막염 1 예 (A case of a dialysis patient with sclerosing peritoaitis initially suspected of tuberculous peritonitis)
Young Ok Kim, Myung Son Chung, Woo Seung Shin, Jin Seong Moon, Sun Ae Yoon, Nam Il Kim, Euy Jin Choi, Byung Kee Bang
Korean J Med. 1998;55(2):265-271.

Korean Journal
of Medicine

Print ISSN: 1738-9364
Online ISSN: 2289-0769

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