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증례 : Gemella morbilium에 의한 원발성 폐 Botryomycosis 1예 (A case of primary pulmonary botryomycosis by Gemella morbilium)
Kang Woo Bae, Youn Seup Kim, Young Koo Jee, Kye Young Lee, Na Hye Myong, In Sun Lee, Jae Seuk Park
Korean J Med. 2005;68(5):587-592.
증례 : 조기 폐암과 동반된 내장형 Botryomycosis 1 예 (A Case of Visceral Botryomycosis Accompanied by Early Lung Cancer)
Youn Seup Kim, Sook Hee Kwon, Young Koo Jee, Hyun Ju Bai, Kye Young Lee, Kye Young Lee, Young Hee Choi, Nha Hye Myung, Phil Won Seo, Hyun Ku Lee
Korean J Med. 1998;54(3):427-433.
원저 : 본태성 고혈압 및 동맥경화성 질환에서의 Prostacyclin 과 Thromboxane A₂ 혈장농도에 대한 고찰 (Plasma Concentration of Prostacyclin and Thromboxane A₂ in Esential Hypertension and Artherosclerotic Disease )
Young Koo Jee, Hyung Soo Han, Moon Sung Jung, Bong Hwi Lee, Kwan Woo Kim, Un Soo Moon, Chang Soon Han, Hong Soon Lee, Hak Joong Lee
Korean J Med. 1990;39(4):469-477.
Volume99 No. 5

Korean Journal
of Medicine

Print ISSN: 1738-9364
Online ISSN: 2289-0769

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