증례 : 골 및 골수의 다발성 지방 괴사를 초래한 만성 췌장염 1예 (Intramedullary Fat Necrosis of the Bone and Bone Marrow Associated with Chronic Pancreatitis : A Case Report)
Dong Suk Kwak, Dong Woo Hyun, Young Hak Lee, Jeong Gyun Kim, Sun Kun Bae, Byeong Cheal Ahn, Sang Kyun Sohn, Jae Tae Lee, Kyu Bo Lee, Tae Sug Kim, Chae Gi Kim, Chi Hui Kim, Ih Geun Kim, Jung Yoon Choe
Korean J Med. 1996;51(3):407-412.