Ventricular dyssynchrony in patients with permanent pacemaker |
June Soo Kim |
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 1내과학교실, 2진단방사선과교실, 3병원병리과교실 |
인공 심박동기 시술 환자에서 심실동기이상 |
김준수 |
Departments of 1Internal Medicine, 2Radiology and 3Hospital Pathology, The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
Abstract |
Physicians prefer traditional right ventricular apical pacing to right ventricular outflow tract pacing because of easy accessibility,
short procedure time, stable lead function and a low incidence of complications. However, right ventricular apical pacing produce
an abnormal pattern of ventricular activation compared with right ventricular outflow tract pacing. There is growing evidence that
right apical pacing may have long-term detrimental effects on left ventricular function. The report of Kim et al. in this issue showed
that ventricular dyssynchrony was commonly seen in patients with permanent pacemaker implantation. They suggested the role of
paced QRS duration to predict ventricular dyssynchrony during the follow-up period in patients with permanent pacemaker.
However, a large scaled prospective observational study is needed to assess the factors influencing ventricular dyssynchrony in
Korean patients with permanent pacemaker. (Korean J Med 78:56-58, 2010) |
Key Words:
Cardiac pacing; Ventricular dysfunction |