원저 : 돼지 관상동맥 스텐트 재협착 모델에서 Carvedilol 부착 Biodiv Ysio(TM) 스텐트의 신생내막 증식 억제 효과 (Original Articles : The effect of the carvedilol-loaded Biodiv Ysio(TM) DD stent on the inhibition of neointima
Kim Won, Jeong Myeong Ho, Cha Gwang Su, Lee Seung Hyeon, Hong Yeong Jun, Kim Ju Han, An Yeong Geun, Park Og Yeong, Kim Mu Hyeon, Jo Jeong Gwan, Park Jong Chun
Korean J Med. 2004;66(1):48-58.
원저 : 혈소판 당단백 2b/3a 수용체 차단제(Abciximab : ReoPro(R)) 부착 관상동맥 스텐트의 장기 임상 결과 (Original Article : The long-term clinical results of a platelet glycoprotein 2b/3a receptor blocker (Abciximab : ReoPro(R)
Kim Won, Jeong Myeong Ho, Hong Yeong Jun, Lee Seung Hyeon, Park U Seog, Kim Ju Han, Kim In Su, Choe Myeong Ja, An Yeong Geun, Jo Jeong Gwan, Park Jong Chun
Korean J Med. 2003;65(6):652-665.
원저 : 좌전하행지 근위부 스텐트 시술 후 재협착 예측인자 (Original Articles : Predictive factors of restenosis after stenting in proximal left anterior descending coronary artery)
Lee Seung Hyeon, Jeong Myeong Ho, Sim Du Seon, Lee Sang Hyeon, Hong Yeong Jun, Park Og Yeong, Park U Seog, Kim Ju Han, Kim In Su, Choe Myeong Ja, Kim Won,
Korean J Med. 2003;65(3):300-308.