원저 : 위암 및 Helicobacter pylori 감염의 위험인자로서 염분 섭취의 역할 (Salt Consumption as a risk factor of Gastric Cancer and Helicobacter pylori Infection)
Tae Young Kyong, Hak Yang Kim, Gyeoung Soo Chae, Hee Seung Yoo, Soo Jong Park, Jong Hyeok Kim, Woong Ki Chang, Yong Bum Kim, Choong Kee Park, Eun Sook Nam, Jae Young Yoo
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Rok Yun Lee, Yun Chang Han, Jae Hwan Jee, Byung Dong Cho, Gyeoung Soo Chae, Myoung Kuk Jang, Yu Mi Seo, Jai Sam Kim, Tae Young Kyong, Chong Yun Rim, Young Bahk Koh, Young Lee
Korean J Med. 1996;51(6):774-781.