A case of Sweet’s syndrome associated with thymic carcinoma |
고려대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 |
증례 : 흉선암과 동반된 Sweet 증후군 1예 |
김종규 |
Abstract |
Sweet's syndrome is a reactive dermatosis that's clinically characterized by 4 cardinal features: fever, neutrophil polymorphonuclear leukocytosis of the blood, raised painful plaques on the limbs, face and neck and a histologically dense dermal infiltration with mature neutrophils. Between 10~20% of the patients suffering with Sweet's syndrome are associated with malignancy, and particularly with leukemia. The association of Sweet's syndrome with solid tumor has rarely been observed. We describe here a 49-year-old male suffering with thymic carcinoma and Sweet's syndrome.
After 5 cycles of palliative chemotherapy, the patient developed fever and multiple painful maculopapular and pustular skin lesions on the both thigh. The skin biopsy of the left thigh revealed diffuse neutrophilic infiltration with edema of the papillary dermis. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was cultured in a pustular lesion. He was diagnosed as suffering from Sweet's syndrome. He was treated with antibiotics, i.e., a 1st generation cephalosporin and quinolone. After 24 days, his skin lesions disappeared.(Korean J Med 72:S279-S283, 2007)
Key Words : Sweet's syndrome, Thymic carcinoma |
Key Words:
Sweet's syndrome, Thymic carcinoma |