Guidelines for the Use of Laxatives - Which Laxatives, When?
Jeong Eun Shin, Kyoung Sup Hong, Kee Wook Jung, Tae Hee Lee, Bong Eun Lee, Seon-Young Park, Sung Noh Hong, Seong-Eun Kim, Kyung Sik Park, Suck Chei Choi, Constipation Research Group of the Korean Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility
Korean J Med. 2015;88(1):22-26.   Published online 2015 Jan 1     DOI:
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Pharmacological treatment of chronic constipation: focused on oral laxatives
Jeong Eun Shin
Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2018; 61(1): 57.     CrossRef